Grilled Sandwich with Black Garlic
The taste of black garlic is so diverse that it allows us to use it both in complex gourmet dishes and in simple snacks. I would not dare to call barbecue bread a snack – it is rather something like bruschetta. It is cooked pretty fast and does not require special skills or fine components in preparation, so we propose a scenario where the meat is already grilled, but the grill is still warm. By the way, when grilling bread or white bread, the heat should be reduced to the so-called fading charcoal burning. Namely, bread tends to burn too quickly at higher temperatures (when cooking under this recipe, one slice burned!).
Black Garlic Grill Breads are an easy mouthful even for those who avoid eating meat. They are easy to prepare and cook quite quickly. At the same time, your stomach is full and it’s not too hard to digest.
So – stock up on white bread, black garlic, tomato, olive oil and green herbs. Balsamic vinegar here is purely a matter of taste – if it does not fit, or is not currently available at home, skip it!
- Kalamata bread with olives (Rimi product)
- 1 package of peeled Black Garlic
- Olive oil
- 2 tomatoes
- Herbs: parsley, oregano, basil, chives
- Balsamic vinegar

Preparation method
Bring the ingredients to the grill, cut the tomatoes into approx. 1cm thick slices and tear the herbs into the right pieces. Pestle Black garlic cloves in a mortar into a fine paste. Cut the kalamata bread into 1.5 cm thick slices and place on the grill. As for me, it was good to press the slices onto the grill grate a little after placing them on the grill. Grilling slices of bread is an exquisite activity and they go to burn very easily. So, when grilling slices of bread, take care in order not to burn them. Grill on the one side only. You can also grill tomato slices along with the bread slices. Since they take a little longer to grill, you can put them on the grill beforehand. Tomato slices can be grilled both on the one side and on the both sides – it’s up to you.
When the slices of bread are ready, place them the grilled side up on a serving tray and spread a delicate layer of black garlic paste on top. If there are larger garlic lovers in the company, then you can add a generously thick layer. Next, place tomato slices on top of bread, decorate with herb sprigs and drizzle the grill breads with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.